This gate is the Cross Country team portal to success. Photo Courtesy of Senior Reed Kimball.
San Luis Obispo High School is entering a new season of fall sports for the 2022 – 2023 school year. Cross-Country, an intense aerobic sport, is resuming with their first race on October 1.
Boys head coach Adam Basch is excited for this season.
“[The 2021 – 2022] season was wildly successful. Both the boys and girls won a league championship. The boys ended up winning state and regional championships. As a coach, I try to make my goal to always be a positive experience for the athletes and for everybody to be able to improve. You know guys that are just defending their state championship to newer runners that are just coming out for the first time, we want to be positive and developmental for everyone,” said Basch.
Basch also noted that due to the track reopening, late this summer the team spent more time on strength training.
Senior Morgan Howland loves running the track. Within the 2021 – 2022 season, Howland was able to beat 17 minutes on a three mile run.
“This year I’d like to break 16 minutes thirty seconds on a five kilometer run. My current time is 17 minutes and six seconds. I was injured for all of the track season this year. I don’t want to reinjure myself, and I know that I have to catch up a lot. I know that will be challenging. I am excited to run with my friends again”.
SLOHS is excited to see what this season will bring for the runners.