Photo courtesy of SLOHS Track and Field Instagram.
The track and field season started on January 31, and the team is not lacking in athletes. Between 150 to 200 students have been practicing with the San Luis Obispo High School track team.
So, why do that many people want to run?
“Track is known as a ‘no cut’ sport, and it’s a great way for people to stay active. It is also somewhat ‘social’ and people like to cheer their friends on. Plus, we have a history of being a very competitive program, and people want to learn to run fast, jump high, and throw far!” said SLOHS Track and Field Head Coach Adam Basch.
There are 16 different events in a track meet including the 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1600 meters, hurdles, shot put, discus, high jump, pole vault, and long jump. So, the surplus of athletes on the track team is not a big concern because of all of the events an athlete could choose to participate in.
“We need a lot of athletes to come out. I think it is simple and fun to see who can run the fastest, throw the farthest, or jump over a bar. We have had large track teams over the last several years, so it is not a big surprise,” said Basch.
The field and track are under construction at SLOHS right now so the team has been practicing on the JV softball field, in the fitness center, and running in the neighborhoods around SLOHS. They have been competing at other schools and had an inter-squad meet at Morro Bay High School.
“The entire no track thing is weird, but we’re all making due with our conditions. It’s also really nice to go to other schools and compete because we can actually be on a usable track. Honestly, some of the tracks are really fun to compete at. Atascadero and Arroyo Grande have great facilities that I love competing at,” said junior Janey Rubio.
The track team is mostly made up of freshmen and sophomores. Why is that?
“I feel like there’s always people that are just doing it for PE credit. Our school has the great opportunity to give those who are in sports to skip out on PE. But some like to use that to their advantage and do a sport like track, considering there’s really no tryouts, nor cuts from the team. In their minds, it’s just an easy way to skip out on PE for the 2 years they need to,” said Rubio.
Overall, the track and field team has had to overcome a lot of obstacles, and not just hurdles, this season. But, the athletes and coaches are working hard to inspire each other and persevere.
“I love that track and field is a community with the same goal to improve and to motivate others to improve. Everyone is so supportive at meets and everyone cheers everyone on in races. If one athlete gets a PR (personal record) it’s a celebration for the whole team,” said senior Lindsay McKee.
Come support the Tigers at their next track meet on Saturday, March 19 at Nipomo High School.