Photo Courtesy of slohs.badparking on instagram
Traffic and Parking at San Luis Obispo High School is a concept every student and teacher acknowledges. Some students show up an hour early to school with content to get the best parking spot, while others show up a minute before the bell rings because of the traffic.
In the parking lot there are more than enough parking sports for all the students and staff. But that is not what students are unspokenly fighting about, it is the fight for spots that are easy to get out of and leave the school.
“I would say the best parking is the spots that are in the rows that you can exit the school from, particularly on the right when facing the school from the street,” said senior Max Templin.
Students and even staff fight to find the best parking spots. “After lunch today my own students teacher, Mr. C tried to take my parking spot” said Junior Olivia Cusick students and teachers are battling each other for the best spots as well.
Parking and traffic at SLOHS go hand in hand. Showing up early means a student can back into their spot so they can sprint to their car and get out before traffic hits.
Seniors or even freshmen can agree with how horrible the traffic is, whether their parents drop them off, or it’s a student that has to find a parking spot. Many students made a remark that leaving early to get to school means a better parking spot. “I live pretty close to school and leave at 7:30 because I want a good parking spot and not to get stuck in traffic,” said Templin.
Showing up late and getting bad parking spots is typically a factor of the bad traffic. “A lot of the time I leave at 7:50 because I live close, but even though I live close there is still so much traffic, so I get to school at like 8:03 which means I’m late” said junior Miles DeBrum.
The fight for parking at SLOHS is real and every student and teacher can agree that it is a daily hassle. However, stay optimistic tigers because after the track and football field are done in June there is going to be more spots.