San Luis Obispo High School students can look forward to free menstrual products in the bathrooms at the beginning of the 2022 school year.
California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a new law on October 8 requiring all public schools to provide period products in restrooms in California at no cost.
“This bill is a huge step forward in the movement of getting people the period products that they need. The pink tax and inaccessible menstrual products have been an issue for decades. I hope that this will help solve that problem,” said sophomore Erika Spargo.
Many students can recall the ol’ tampon up the sleeve trick, a way to discreetly grab a tampon before going to the bathroom.
“I think that it’s about time. I’m relieved to not have to feel like I have to hide my menstrual products just because it makes other people uncomfortable,” said freshman Liza Flushman.
This law is building off of one made in 2017, which required low-income schools to provide students with free menstrual products.
“Women are already subject to so many more physical obstacles than men face. Menstrual products in restrooms seems like a basic necessity and a step towards equity we should’ve taken years ago,” said SLOHS graduate Ian McKay.
Just as paper towels are a basic necessity in bathrooms, students believe that menstrual products should be too.
“Period products should be as accessible as toilet paper. Anyone against this law stands against human rights,” said sophomore Maggie McKay.
This new law is a relief to many students, and most agree it should’ve been put into place years ago.
Sources: Nbcnews.com. Thehill.com