Photo by senior Owen Moseley.
The following letter was penned by Mr. O’Connor and sent out via email to all San Luis Obispo High School Staff, students and parents on April 14:
Staff, parents and students,
It is with heavy a heart and a hopeful future that I send you this communication. Before Spring Break, Superintendent, Dr. Prater asked me if I would consider joining the District leadership team as the new Director of Secondary Learning and Achievement. After much deliberation and soul searching with my wife and two kids, and after talking it over with my administrative team at SLOHS as well as with peers and colleagues, I decided to accept the offer for the 2021-22 school year. I will be stepping away from the high school and moving into a position tasked with oversight and growth for the 5 secondary sites and for the Adult Education programs throughout the District. I was humbled and honored by Dr. Prater’s outreach and feel that I am leaving San Luis Obispo High School at a great time in its history and in very capable hands.
I always believed I would be my own children’s principal. I know now that this will not be the case. I have mixed emotions about this, as do our children. Riley was sad, reflective and shed many tears. Owen was good with it. Not sure what I should read into their differing reactions, but I do know that without their love and support and the support of my wife, Beth, none of this would ever be possible. Beth is the rock in the family; she organizes all of us, often saying that she is raising three children. (Figure that one out!) She is always there for the kids as I race back and forth for events and activities. Each night, she made sure we had dinner as a family, she provided the shoulder to cry on and the wise counsel that helped me become a better father, husband, principal and person.
A decade is a long time in any job. In dog years it’s about 65 years. I think dog years and principal years are equivalent time mechanisms. Over the past decade, I have definitely learned a lot about what the job entails and more importantly about myself.
Over the past 10 years, it is evident that we would never have achieved our goals without the work and support of such an incredible staff. I stand here on the shoulders of the giants that you are.Your dedication, persistence and drive to connect, to understand, to parent, to teach and be present for the students and each other is without equal. I know there were days when you looked at the decisions that I made and did not understand or even agree with them. Sometimes I failed to fully communicate why the decision was needed or the thought process that went into making the decision. However, I want you to know that each decision I made was wrestled and deliberated with the utmost care and diligence to do what was right. Over time, you grew to better understand my motives and accept that I always had students at the heart. Sometimes I had to gently guide, sometimes direct, sometimes (but rarely) did I keep silent, but I was always a doer. We moved together.
Parents, thank you for showing trust in me each and every day. You accepted me warts and all. You embraced the vision that I had for the school and without your support and collective backing, many of the accomplishments we have made wouldn’t have been possible.
Students, you are the reason why I do the job that I do. You fueled my soul and steered my compass to do the work that I do. Each day you picked me up and made me a better person. I was tired each night, but I knew that it was a “good tired” knowing that we were making a difference together.
I was never alone in my pursuit of excellence. I was blessed with incredibly brave co-conspirators. They came in waves, resolute and strong in their beliefs, we shared a kindred spirit. Nick Frost, Julie Mamo, Aaron Black (now the principal at CL Smith), Scott Schalde (now the Principal at Morro Bay), Jessica Miller and Nathan Meinert (soon to be principals in their own right), Jeff Brandow and Marci Bedall (Athletic Directors) and coaches. Counselors, Jim Vega, Shelley Benson, Heather Senecal, Jennifer Sheridan, Kerry Ingles, Chris Inman, Ally Dexter and Ruben Montero, the clerical team (Shaw, Stacia, Maryrose, Kerri K and many more) who provided the glue that bond us together and the incredible ASB Director, Jim Johnson.Together, this unlikely band of brothers and sisters attacked the challenge of building a culture of inclusion and acceptance for all. We supported and helped propel the growth in excellence and inclusivity, with a focus on students, learning, and making our school an integral part of our community.
It seems like only yesterday that I was first introduced to the staff, parents and students. Now, the next step in my journey is beginning. Fortunately, I will remain connected to the SLOHS community, but you will see me a little less frequently. My own children will soon attend SLOHS. As a district team member, I will be frequently checking in and checking up. As a parent of children both enrolled in SLCUSD secondary schools, I have skin in the game beyond my professional duties. Those that really know me, know that I will still carry the Tiger pride to my new position, the tradition of excellence and persistence to do things right.
I hope that I continue to serve this great District in my new position with a singular focus on the needs and interests of the students and community that it serves. I look forward to the last couple of months together and will work hard to finish the year strong and make the transition smooth and effortless for the new principal that comes in my place.
With much appreciation for a decade of work and support,
Leslie O’Connor
Proud Principal of San Luis Obispo High School.