Attention San Luis Obispo High School students: TNN needs YOUR help to revitalize SLOHS sports!
Tomorrow night, the Tiger News Network YouTube channel will livestream the first football home game of this season as the SLOHS Tiger football team destroys the Paso Robles High School Bearcats.
Don’t fret, the livestream is ready to go, but YouTube doesn’t give channels certain livestreaming privileges unless they have more than 1,000 subscribers. One of these “only over a thousand” perks is that channels can film livestreams from more mundane devices, like phones and iPads.
Being able to film from such devices allows coaches and athletes to livestream their games from all around campus, which would greatly increase the SLOHS sports department to make games more accessible online.
“It’s a great option for kids who can’t go, and by the way, no kids can go,” said senior Nayah Holmes.
As of this article being published, the TNN channel sits at 572 subscribers. That TNN needs 1,000 subscribers is ridiculous, and this shows how we live in our new age digital society.
But for the moment, it’s what we need to make this happen.
Do this now:
go to the TNN Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/TNNSLOHS/featured(They can also type “SLHS Tiger News Network youtube” into google and we’re the first result)Ask them to please click the RED “SUBSCRIBE” button.
Only YOU, TNN famsquad, can improve the SLOHS sports games viewing experience!
We only need 438 more subscribers, so LET’S GET TO 1,000!