Photo Illustration by Junior Linnaea Marks
While school and state restrictions have hit San Luis Obispo High School’s Film Production Club pretty hard, the club is still finding ways to get creative and create something with one and other.
SLOHS Expressions got in touch with Film Production Club President, senior Ian McKay, to catch up with the club and hear how they’ve been handling projects during the pandemic.
“We’ve been working on a short horror film since October, starring SLO REP alum Charley Beck and directed by vice president Kaylie Hall, but it’s unfortunately been delayed due to the new stay-home orders last month,” said McKay.
While McKay admits the club isn’t at the point in the project he hoped they would be, the club is still persevering through the COVID-19 challenges.
“With safety protocols like masks and social distancing, though, we were able to get a lot done in the fall. [However,] this club is committed to and passionate about their craft, and I’m incredibly proud of the progress we’ve made in light of the circumstances,” said McKay.
Despite the setbacks, McKay remains optimistic about the club’s current project as well as ways the club can continue functioning going forward.
“Looking ahead, we’d like to release our current project by the end of the month, and we’re looking into projects that can be done with less equipment and increased safety for crew members. Safety is our top priority, but as long as we can maintain our health protocols and follow county guidelines, we want to keep doing as much as we can. In a social climate marked by separation and isolation, film and television have been a global source of comfort and unity, so we’re facing our obstacles with fresh resolve to keep telling stories,” said McKay.
Film Production remains an extremely collaborative medium, and McKay assures there are many artistic opportunities behind the scenes, no matter what art form you’re into.
“If you’re interested in any of the visual or performing arts— from jazz band to woodworking to fashion— there is a place for you in the Film Production Club. You can join us anytime at bit.ly/slohsfpc2020 or explore our website at bit.ly/slohsfilmclub,” said McKay.