The Student News Site of San Luis Obispo High School




The Student News Site of San Luis Obispo High School



Here’s what SLOHS students and staff have to say about actress Kristen Stewart playing Princess Diana in new biopic


Photo Illustration by junior Linnaea Marks

  Princess Diana of Whales is an icon to people across the globe. Even students at San Luis Obispo High School understand her influence just from what their parents have to say.

  In upcoming biopic “Spencer,” American actress Kristen Stewart is set to play the princess, and some people are not totally thrilled about it.

  Stewart, known for her brooding, underwhelming role of Bella Swan in the “Twilight” saga, is going to have to learn and develop not just a British accent, but that of a famous, beloved royal.

  “It’s hard for me to say whether or not she will do a good job as Princess Diana because I will only ever see her as Bella,” said junior and diehard “Twilight” fan Simon Marks.

  For many people, it’s hard to imagine Stewart as anything but a moody teenager, and with “The Crown’s” new Star Emma Corrin setting the bar exceptionally high, the pressure is on for Stewart to perform.

  “I was hoping Sacha Baron Cohen would have been selected to play the role of Diana,” said AP Composition and Literature teacher and fan of “The Crown” Ivan Simon when asked about Stewart.

  It’s safe to say everyone is rooting for Stewart to do a good job portraying the beloved Princess Diana, but it’s alarming news to hear the casting choice for the biopic. However, if she can pull off playing Diana, there is truly no part she can’t play.

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