When October rolls around every year, black cat owners everywhere become nervous for their pet’s safety, including those at San Luis Obispo High School that have feline friends.
This fear stems from the idea that black cats are often adopted for the sake of rituals during Halloween, harming or abusing the cat. While there obviously are cases of black cats being killed on Halloween, the number is small, and organizations such as Humane Society Silicon Valley are trying to dismantle these rumors to put cat owners at ease.
“The counseling [adoption centers conduct] tend to weed out any adopters that do not have pure intentions for adopting,” said spokesman for Contra Costa County Animal ServicesbSteve Burdo, .
There’s also rumors that adoption centers tend not to adopt out black cats during October in order to keep them safe, but the actual number of adoption centers who do this is low. Many agencies believe that black cats shouldn’t have to wait for a home.
“The concern for their safety is understandable, but black cats should be allowed to be adopted in October,” said senior Rory Svetich, who has worked with the Cal Poly Cat Program and fostered a black cat recently.
However, a widespread rumor that is true is black cats do get adopted less than other cats. This is a large contributing factor as to why many adoption centers don’t hold back from adopting out black cats, since they’re already adopted at a lower rate.
“Black cats are just like any other cat, and deserve to get a home just like the others. There’s no downsides that set black cats apart,” said Svetich.
While rumors do blow reality out of proportion, keeping cats, especially black cats, inside on Halloween still isn’t a bad idea. Keeping pets indoors overall keeps them safe from other circumstances besides abduction. In addition, when looking into adopting a cat, consider taking a black cat home.
“Black cats should be adopted because they’re great pets and great company,” said Svetich.
This October, don’t be scared of rumors, and find a furry friend to take home.