As San Luis Obispo High School teachers and students adjust to the restrictions of COVID-19, SLOHS must also gladly welcome new teachers to our campus. One of these newcomers is Eddy Rayher, the new Spanish teacher here at school.
“I was in Spanish IV last year, and when she came to teach for a day with us, she was so nice and I really liked her. Pretty much the whole class agreed that she was amazing and that she would be an awesome teacher at SLOHS. One of my parent’s friends is super close to her and I got to talk to her over the summer too and she was wonderful,” said sophomore Izzy Nino de Rivera.
Expressions asked some questions to really dig into her past so that students can get to know her past the zoom rectangle.
Expressions: What urged you to want to teach your subject?1.
Spanish teacher Eddy Rayher: I love teaching Spanish because it is my opportunity to share about the culture of the Spanish speaking countries and to develop a hunger in my students for traveling, as well as the respect for other countries.
Expressions: What were you doing before SLOHS? Past jobs, hobbies?
Rayher: I have been a Spanish teacher at North County Christian School (Atascadero) and Paso Robles High School….for a total of 7 years.
Expressions.Did you live in San Luis Obispo before teaching at SLOHS?
Rayher: I have been living in Atascadero since 2000 to date, and I love it!
Expressions: What do you enjoy outside of teaching?
Rayher: I love talking walks, reading, listening to audio books, traveling, hiking, going to the beach, watching documentaries or movies based on real life, spending time with my family and 1 year old grandson, and sailing with my husband.
Expressions: Finally What is something you have found at our school that you dislike or would want to change?
Rayher: I am a new teacher at SLOHS and so far I’m loving it! If I had a magic wand, I would make COVID disappear so I could be in the classroom teaching face to face to my wonderful students and getting to know the staff better. What I would change, would be shorter staff meetings 🙂
If students have Rayher as a teacher in this trying time of Zoom School, have faith that you are in good hands and to welcome her to SLO High!