During this summer of fear and uncertainty, it is important for everyone at San Luis Obispo High School and beyond to remember the positive too.
To help spread some positivity, Expressions is here with a student highlight.
Expressions: How have you been doing mentally during quarantine?
SLOHS junior Anne Frederickson: I am doing really well, I’m happy and energized despite the anxiety growing in me about COVID-19.
Expressions: What have been new ways you’ve found to cope during quarantine?
Frederickson: I am finding ways to help out people who are struggling because of COVID-19. This helps me feel less helpless in this situation. I am also benefiting my mental health by going on hikes and bike rides often and learning new skills to keep myself busy.
Expressions: What did you do with the ability to choose your own schedule that came with distance learning during the school year?
Frederickson: I made more time for myself to relax and spend time on things other than school work such as playing piano or reading. I also liked to give myself breaks between school work to do something like go to the beach or bake.
Expressions: What has been the most positive thing to come out of this for you?
Frederickson: My mental health has improved greatly. Simple things such as getting sleep, eating and drinking more often, and being around my family have made me a happier person than I was before.
Expressions: What’s some words of advice or encouragement you have for your fellow classmates?
Frederickson: Some words of advice for my classmates would be, if you aren’t as fortunate as me in this pandemic, or it’s hard to not see your friends, don’t worry because this will pass, just keep looking for the bright-side and moving forward.