COVID-19 has created a time of great uncertainty for teachers and students alike. At San Luis Obispo High School many people are filled with questions about the future and no answers in sight. Many students struggle to learn without a classroom environment, while others flourish during their at home schedule. For them, answers are needed if they are to keep from falling behind, thus the answers to these questions are critical for the 2020-2021 school year. Expressions talked to two students about what they expect next year and what would personally benefit them.
“I am hoping that the reopening of schools will happen as it is a better learning environment for me and my peers, however my fear is that our society will think that the pandemic has ended and go back to life as normal, in turn making the problem worse,” said junior Ashley Thorsav.
However, some students have varying opinions and appreciate the upsides of working from home.
“As an introvert I prefer to be alone or in small groups of people, so online learning helps me overcome those nerves of big classrooms. Additionally, I work much more proficiently and have less distractions in my own learning environment. Especially with no end in sight for COVID-19, it feels safer to continue quarantine until the public knows for sure that the pandemic is over,” said freshman Keera Echano.
Regardless of what happens, students and teachers’ priority is to return to school knowing that it is safe for those at risk.