Covid-19 may be keeping San Luis Obispo High School students shut in their houses for most of the day, but that doesn’t mean teenagers aren’t finding ways to connect with their friends.
As online schooling enters its fourth week on Monday, many students have come up with creative ways to socialize, though they aren’t a perfect substitute for in-person hangouts.
Expressions talked to some current students to hear how Covid-19 is affecting their friendships and learn about their tips for hanging out while stuck at home.
Expressions: How has Covid-19 and the shelter at home order affected your friendships?
Senior Greg Thom: Oof. [Covid-19] has completely changed my way of living and that’s affected some of my relationships. People that I used to see essentially every other day I don’t hear from anymore, but some of my other relationships have stayed strong. I think it’s easier for guys (generally) during the quarantine because we have Xboxes and Playstations where we can talk to our friends over microphones. But yeah Covid has completely changed my personal life.
Senior Isabella Wong: I think that not being able to see friends is hard because we’re used to seeing each other everyday. But I think this situation is making us all more empathetic because everyone’s being impacted by Covid-19 in some way. We’re all more understanding towards each other and still making efforts to communicate with each other.
Junior Ingrid Chen: So basically coronavirus quarantine has made me realize how little human contact I actually need to be happy. But [it’s] also made me a lot closer to a lot of people I was already friends with.
Senior Kathryn ZagRodny: I’m still in contact with my close friends, but it’s hard not getting to see people everyday in class that I don’t normally talk to outside of school
Expressions: Have you found any creative ways to socialize with people?
Thom: Bike rides, but we’re six feet apart of course.
Wong: I joined three different college group chats to meet people and figure out where I want to go. I’ve also been sending memes to people while on Facetime with them so it feels like they’re in the same room.
Chen: It’s kind of nice to watch Netflix with your friends but not in person so you don’t have to talk to them all the time. We [also] Facetime and Zoom and Houseparty a lot. There’s a website called playingcards.io where we play Cards Against Humanity.
ZagRodny: Mostly just Facetime, Houseparty, or zoom but I also enjoy doing Netflix parties. Netflix Party allows you to watch a movie in real time with your friends and you can live chat with them on the side. I like it because it provides almost the same effect as watching a move with your friends [in person].
Expressions: Do you think Covid-19 will have an impact on how you socialize even after the shelter at home order is lifted?
Thom: Absolutely. There are a lot of perks to shelter at home and I think I will adopt some of the things I’ve been doing [like] reading and just slowing things down really.
Wong: I’ll definitely appreciate being able to hug someone.
ZagRodny: I think I will be more appreciative of the face to face time I have with my friends and be more aware of my need as a human and extrovert to be social and be physically around people.