During this holiday season and nearing New Years it is a time of reflection and learning for those here at San Luis Obispo High School. A time for learning and reflection means that now is a good time to help inform about the wonders of American Sign Language (ASL).
“ASL is so important because it teaches people about ASL culture and how to appropriately approach people who are hard of hearing. Before I took the class I didn’t realize how much I did not know about the deaf community. This class not only taught me cool and useful signs it showed me how to properly communicate with people who are hard of hearing. For example at my work a hard of hearing person ordered a meal and I was able to understand her and communicate with her. Not only did it impress her but she was relieved that our interaction was easy for her because that’s something she’s not used to,” said American Sign Language student and senior Lauren Ramirez.
ASL has a long and storied history of being accepted. Thanks to Alexander Gram Bell it was almost eradicated because of his need to fix deafness. But it survived and has continued to be an important and valid means of communication for many Deaf people.
ASL is made up of many combinations of hand shapes in different areas of the upper body and different movements. And each hand shape and movement creates a sign that means a different thing. And while ASL has connections with English it is it’s own word order and it’s own versions of things.
American Sign Language has its own style and is connected to its own wonderful culture that is incredibly important to Deaf people in the US and continues to be a fun language to learn and a fun class.