Teenagers must adopt certain responsibilities that phase them into adulthood. One such responsibility that San Luis Obispo High School students have is working at various locations around town. Expressions asked working students to find out how they balance both school and work without crumbling under the pressure of it all.
“I stay up really late most nights doing homework because I get out at ten,” said senior Kylie Salinger.
This sentiment is shared amongst the working class of students. They stay up late completing school work they couldn’t otherwise do during the day because it’s preoccupied with work.
“I do a lot of my homework in class if there is free time,” said senior Peyton Gonzalez.
This is another technique also shared by students. Strategically doing their work before the school day is over; overlapping work from one class into another.
Some students don’t even work during the weekdays at all.
“Work doesn’t usually get in the way of school because I set my work schedule to only the weekends,” said senior Kayla Parks.
By only working weekends, students can focus on homework and have adequate time to work on their assignments. With that alternative they give up their weekends in exchange for sufficient time for school.
Regardless of the method used, SLOHS students have to give up certain aspects to accommodate work. They have to find the perfect balance that suits their needs to manage work responsibilities while being a full-time student. It’s a timeless struggle students face that comes with growing up.