San Luis Obispo High School hosts twenty foreign exchange students each year. How does it feel to end a year abroad, and leave a whole new life behind? Expressions went out to interview two former foreign exchange students.
Expression: What was your year at SLOHS like?
Former SLOHS exchange student Torstein Boeyum Kloeven (Norway): It’s been so fun because of all the amazing people I met during the year.
Former SLOHS exchange student Jonatan Schmidt-Dencker (Germany): My year has been incredible and extremely fun because of the people I have met.
Expression: How does it feel to be leaving all of your friends and your host family?
Kloeven: It sucks because I met a lot of good people, that I’m not ready to leave yet.
Schmidt-Dencker: I am really sad to leave all of them because I got really close to my friends, and I am also going to miss the three host families I had during my time here.
Expression: Do you look forward to going home?
Kloeven: Yes, I’m excited to see my friends and family and to get my freedom back.
Schmidt-Dencker: I’m looking forward to seeing my family and friends but also I’m going to miss the life that I made here, so I’m leaving the US with mixed feelings.
Expression: What is your summer going to consist off?
Kloeven: I’m going to work for the entire summer.
Schmidt-Dencker: I’m going to get my drivers license, party with my friends and getting ready for my last years of school in Germany.
Expression: What are you doing after summer?
Kloeven: I’m doing my senior year of back home in Norway.
Schmidt-Dencker: Finishing high school in Germany and hopefully travel a lot.