Students at San Luis Obispo High School learn a surplus of information. However, one thing students don’t really get to know much about is their teachers. Expressions decided to ask teachers at SLOHS what they like to do outside of school to better help their students understand more about them.
Expressions: What is one hobby you like to do outside of school?
Industrial Technology teacher Jeffry Lehmkuhl: Surf.
Math teacher Jimmie Johnson: I really enjoy going to the climbing gym, playing volleyball, and hiking around town. I also love to paddleboard during summer.
Spanish teacher Leif Hanson: One hobby that I do daily is surf. I usually surf before school or after and sometimes both. I have a house in Morro Bay, and I have been surfing for over forty years. My three children and wife also surf, and I really enjoy taking my kids to the beach and watching them rip. I am a former professional surfer and will still throw on a contest jersey and compete if the occasion presents itself. I am still very passionate about surfing and my life would be radically different if I were not a surfer.
Health teacher Daniel Monroe: One thing I like to do outside of school is hiking. I love to exercise and because my life is often times very hectic. I just really enjoy being outside where it’s quiet, away from all the chaos and just being able to soak in all the beautiful landscape and surroundings that the central coast has to offer.
Math teacher Kyle Fintel: Here are my top three; hiking, yoga, and swimming.
Latin teacher Thomas Weinschenk: I play handball.
English teacher Kari Smith: Well, outside of school my two small children take up the majority of my time, so we spend lots of time outside. I do enjoy cycling, reading, and going to concerts with my husband. I also love restoring old furniture, just for fun. This is what happens when you get old.
Science teacher Jessica Yi: I like playing volleyball!
Physical Education teacher Michael Lee: A hobby that I like to do outside of school would have to be traveling. I enjoy seeing new and different places with my family and friends.