Every student all over the world is looking forward to summer break, but for some students, it’s the beginning of the school year in another country. What do they expect and feel before they leave? Every year San Luis Obispo High School hosts many exchange students from all over the world. Expressions went out and asked exchange students about their expectations and what became a reality.
“Before I got to California, I was expecting to be surfing every day and to turn into a typical beach boy. I also thought everyone would be super chill here and easy to interact with. I have only gone surfing twice, but it has been a good time and the people here are very much like how I expected, easy to get along with and friendly. I didn’t really like that I had an accent before I came, but now I like it because once anyone notices and asks about it I can start a conversation and get to know them easily,” said senior Aleksander Breiby (Norway).
“I thought I would find open-minded people and I actually did. The school is more chill and I really like it,” said senior Carlo Ruggeri (Italy).
The exchange is a great opportunity to make friends in other countries and learn something about other school systems.
“The school is so much better than I expected, mostly because you have sports as a class and in Europe, we don’t. The only thing that I expected is that the school is easier than back home, and I also really like that everybody is really open-minded and interested in you and where you’re from,” said senior Elena Rizutto (Italy).