Seniors at San Luis Obispo High School are going to college after they graduate in June and the deadlines for college applications are beginning to come soon. Expressions asked seven seniors at SLOHS if they’re ready for this.
Expressions: Are you ready for college?

Senior Ani Finn: Yes, I feel prepared because of my education at SLOHS.

Senior Ernesto Roide: Yes, it’s a new lifestyle I’m ready for.

Senior Jaeden Suval: Yes, I am ready for college, because I get to move out, I get to live with my friends, have a fun time and learn some stuff.

Senior Caden Naran: Yes I’m ready for college, because I’m excited to not be home anymore, and get out of my comfort zone.

Senior Amelia Corpuz Carr: Yeah I’m ready for college because I can’t wait to meet new people and create a new experience and open up new educational opportunities.

Senior Abigail Howe: No I don’t think I’m ready, I don’t think anybody is ever ready for college. Because it is just a completely new experience and we haven’t done anything like it in high school.