(Not pictured: freshman Fiona Cross)
There has been a rise in freshmen talent this year on the San Luis Obispo High School varsity girls swim team. Out of a total of twenty-five girls on the team, seven of them are freshmen. This year the freshmen on the team are helping the swim team to dominate the competition while also getting CIF automatic times left and right. As league finals are fast approaching Expressions sat down with a few of these talented freshmen and asked them a couple of questions about the varsity life.
Expressions: How long have you been swimming?
Freshman Varsity Swimmer Hannah Stephens: I swam with Puma during seventh grade, but took a break until joining the SLOHS team, besides participating in Avila Junior Guards every summer since I was ten.
Freshman Varsity Swimmer Naya Koc: I have been swimming for almost eight years now, Six years in Holland and here for two.
Freshman Varsity Swimmer Morgan Mosichuk: I have been swimming for around 2 years now. I am on the San Luis Obispo Swim Club (Seahawks).
Freshman Varsity Swimmer Taryn Lonsbrough: I have been swimming since I was really little, but joined the Puma swim team when I was around seven.
Expressions: How does it feel to be a freshman on varsity?
Stephens: I was nervous transitioning onto the team since I began the season on JV. However, everyone was so accepting and now I know that varsity was the right choice for me. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Koc: I think it feels amazing to be on varsity as a freshman and feel like we get treated just like everyone else which is super nice.
Lonsbrough: It is really nice because the team is very supportive and is overall a great environment to improve.
Mosichuk: It feels amazing. This is the best team I have ever been a part of, and I am so honored that I made the team. This is definitely one of the best things that have ever happened to me.
Expressions: Do you think other girls on the team resent you for being so young?
Stephens: Not at all. My teammates and coaches are supportive of me and don’t put too much pressure on freshmen as it’s our first year. Every member knows the responsibility it takes to be on this team, therefore no one puts others down for making it to this level as a freshman, because they know we deserve our spot.
Koc: I don’t think anyone else from varsity has felt or been annoyed having a freshman on varsity, but I have seen a couple of people be a little weird about it and I noticed when I said one thing about swim, they told me not to brag.
Lonsbrough: No, I think that they have so much knowledge from previous years that they like to teach us. They are also really kind in giving advice and overall making the team a very welcoming environment so that we all feel comfortable and loved.
Mosichuk: No, this team is so accepting and they are only bringing us up. Everyone encourages each other to do the best they can do. I was scared about being a freshman because of this, but to my surprise, they are now all my close friends.
Expressions: How has high school swim been different than any other swim experience you have had before?
Stephens: It’s different because the girls on this team have so much experience as it is, and my other experiences with swim have been either not exclusively swimming, or with beginners that are not experts on how it works yet. Our team automatically has something in common, our school, and love for the sport.
Koc: High school swim has been super different than any other experiences I have ever had in my life. Our team makes every single person notice how amazing and great they are. The team has made me feel very good about myself and given me some very empowering experiences.
Lonsbrough: In high school swim, we aren’t competing against each other as much than a club team. Instead of trying to beat each other, we are trying to beat the other team/teams, together, along with improving our times.
Mosichuk: This is a much bigger team then my club group. Naya and I are the only freshmen on our club along with around 8 middle schoolers, a sophomore, and Clare Dooley who is a Senior on this team. The meets are much different. But I am having such a great time swimming every day with all of my best friends.
Expressions: What is your favorite part about being on varsity swim?
Mosichuk: I think my favorite part is the connection between all the girls. I have never felt so connected with such a diverse age group before and I’m learning new things from everyone. I not only have learned new techniques as a swimmer but I have learned about how to be a better person, and everyone has contributed to having these past couple months being the best I’ve had in my life.
Stephens: I love how connected everyone becomes and how we are able to push one another to be in their best condition. This team is a way for me to really push myself and earn my place, and I admire the opportunity to challenge myself to improve. I’m happy to put myself through all this rough, physical training, because I know I’m doing it with amazing girls that never stop wanting the best for me as an athlete and teammate. Sharing these times together really shapes us as a unit. I feel like my coaches and fellow swimmers are truly setting me up for the future in and out of the pool.
Koc: My favorite part of being on varsity is to see and interact with people that are older and have had much more experience in this sport. They are all very wise and teach us all the interesting things they have experienced in the past.
Lonsbrough: How supportive everyone is and wanting to not only better themselves, but others. Another great thing is even when we have really challenging workouts, we all are there for each other to get through it and so we know we are not alone and can get through it together.