On Saturday, March 16, the San Luis Obispo High School throwing team, which is a field of the track team, went to Arroyo Grande to have a Throw-Off against Arroyo Grande High School, Templeton High School, and Morro Bay High School. The throwers gave their all in this meet that took roughly 14 hours of their day having to be at SLOHS at 7 a.m. and getting back around 8 p.m., about 12 hours of that was actual competition time.
“The part about the 12-hour meet was the time we were able to spend as a team. Every time I go to a meet I hope to throw farther than the last time,” said sophomore thrower Ava Karp.
For a lot of throwers, this was their first meet of the season which makes it very impressive that 27 people made a personal record. The team will take what they learned and improve upon it. Using their practice from this meet, they will be able to dominate at every other meet.
“This meet was bull, the measuring was wrong and the AGHS coach was mean and couldn’t do their job right,” said junior Jonny Garcia.
All of the throwers gave their all but some individuals that stood out are, Lara Bergamini in her first meet, of her first year throwing she took fourth place in junior varsity shot put. Junior Liam Nicolds dislocated his shoulder at the meet after throwing over one-hundred feet in the discus.
“ The tiger throw squad showed incredible maturity and competitive spirit managing an extremely long day it is my firm belief these are some of the finest student-athletes I have worked with,” said throwing Coach Cathy Devaney.
The throwers did great and plan to improve from here and at future meets, they plan to have people rank to go to The California Interscholastic Federation (CIF). Wit how the team threw on Saturday it seems very likely that the team will have many people compete in that competition. The team did great and the coaches are very proud of the throwers and we can expect a lot out of them this season.