Students at San Luis Obispo High School have an amazing opportunity coming up, a chance to be a part of Teen Monologues. Teen Monologues started in 2003, spreading stories to stand up for social justice and spreading the perspective of teens across California.
Youth ages 12 through 18 are invited to audition and help spread the stories and voices of local teens. Auditions are on February 19, 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., and February 21, 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Auditions in San Luis Obispo teens are in SLO Repertory Theatre’s Rehearsal Room, and no preparation is required.
“It’s a great start into social justice work, or just getting involved in a team environment, it could be a good thing on a resume too,” said CAPSLO health educator Sophia Longas.
Teens wishing to participate should be able to make two rehearsals per week, each around two or three hours. Scheduling for these rehearsals is flexible, making this an excellent opportunity for students to act and get community service hours.
“It was the first time I felt truly involved with something where I felt like my voice was being heard,” said Longas. “I think adults ruled the conversation more than I ever got to, and it was really nice to connect with other people my age who got to see the show.”
Since the show started, Teen Monologues has become an annual collaboration of teens spreading their messages and stories. Over this time, there have been a lot of changes made, from the topics that the speakers cover to the different interactive elements of the show. Currently, Teen Monologues covers topics from the perspectives of teens from all different backgrounds, sexualities, races, and genders.
“It started out being about teen parents, but now it’s any story that talks about identity, sexuality and now, this year about injustices and hardships that people face in the community as teens,” said CAPSLO health educator John Hollander. “The sex ed is still kind of in there, as that still a really big part of it, but the show has really grown from that point.”
This year’s show will likely tour throughout May, so make sure not to miss this year’s performances. Teen Monologues has a reputation for being relatable, entertaining, and thought-provoking; either being a part of the cast, or a member of the audience, this year’s performance is sure to be an excellent experience.