Five days a week, students see the same teachers at San Luis Obispo High School, yet students don’t know much about their teachers lives outside of school. For some teachers, part of their life outside of school is their kids. Expressions decided to ask some of the few students that have a parent who works at SLOHS what it’s like to go to school at the same place where their parent works.
Expressions: Do you like having your mom or dad work at SLOHS?
Senior Malcolm Wright (Registrar Alicia Wright’s son): Yeah, I do actually. It helps out a lot like, I don’t have to do that much for myself. I can be less independent because my mom helps me out with a lot of things here at school.
Freshman Hannah Stephens (History teacher Kate Stephens’s daughter): Yes, it gets really handy. I can get a lot of stuff, like, if I don’t have lunch, she has food for me. It’s things like that, that are really easy.
Junior Sydney Frost (Vice Principal Nick Frost’s daughter): Yeah, it has its advantages and disadvantages. It’s nice I get to see him every day.
Expressions: How do you react if students talk bad about your mom or dad?
Wright: I’ve never had someone talk bad about my parent, actually I’ve only heard good things. [If it did happen] I’d probably be upset.
Stephens: I don’t get a lot of hate on my mom, but [if I did] I would definitely defend her.
Frost: It’s kind of awkward, but it doesn’t happen that often. Most of my friends know not to do that even if they don’t have the same opinion on him as I do.
Expressions: Do you get embarrassed about having your parent work at your school?
Wright: Sometimes. I have before, like freshman year and sophomore year, but not lately.
Stephens: No, actually I’m kind of proud.
Frost: Sometimes, if my friends get in trouble or something, it’s a little awkward between us, but they’re nice about it.
Expressions: How do you treat your parent at school?
Wright: The same way I treat her outside of school. Nothing different.
Stephens: I think I treat her the same as at home.
Frost: I mean when I see him, I say hi and I wave and stuff, but I won’t go over and give him this big huge hug or anything like that.
Expressions: Does he/she still act like a teacher at home?
Wright: No, she doesn’t.
Stephens: No, I think it’s different for me because I haven’t had her as a teacher yet, so it’s like I really only know her as my mom.
Frost: Sometimes. I mean, it’s expected. All parents will bring work into their home life, but he’s a dad like he always is.
Expressions: Do you like telling others that your mom or dad is a teacher?
Wright: I do, actually. I like people knowing my mom works here because it’s kinda cool.
Stephens: Yeah, yeah it’s cool.
Frost: No, [not] really.
Expressions: Do you wish you could change their job?
Wright: No.
Stephens: No, I think it’s good because this is her dream and she’s done a lot of work to get up to this point, so I’m just really happy for her.
Frost: I don’t think so. If he likes doing what he does, then I would never want to change that.