San Luis Obispo High School has numerous clubs students can join at any time throughout the school year. The Film Production Club is always looking for new members and spectacular ideas, and they were out with their own booth during club rush this past Wednesday, September 5.
“We make, create, and edit movies all by ourselves. We’ve won local contests. It is really fun and it’s a great experience,” said Film Club President senior Ella Livingston.
Film Club is not just for filmmakers, but any person with creativity to share or a passion for art.
The club meets every Tuesday during lunch in Film Club advisor and social studies teacher Kate Stephens room, 128, to discuss fun ideas and projects, as well as upcoming local film contests.
“There’s a lot of different interests that you can pursue [such as] creative production like poster design. We need more people in everything. All the normal film stuff like acting, directing, and shooting. It’s really fun,” said Film Club Vice President sophomore Ian McKay.
If students are looking to express their originality, learn new skills, or simply get involved, the Film Production Club is always welcoming new members to their team.