Now retired San Luis Obispo High School English Teacher Mike Lara was at San Luis Obispo High School for many years. As rumors spread around our campus that he is going to retire next year, many were met with disbelief. As a caring person for his students, and with his special sense of humor, Lara’s classes were enjoyed by many. However, he is ready to move on and to pursue other goals.
“I’m so happy to retire because I want to be somebody else now. I want to pursue other interests. School gets in my way. I’d rather play my guitar,” said Lara.
There are a lot of things that he enjoyed at SLOHS, and he thinks that his students made him a better teacher over the years. But after all this time, his teaching career has come to an end, and with it he can finally stop turning off his school alarm clock.
“I want to do some traveling around the summer with my wife. After that I just make it up as I go along,” said Lara.
Expressions wishes him all the best for his future plans. He will be missed on our campus.