Over the course of the past few years, junior Lily Svetich has established herself as a committed and diligent track and field competitor. Expressions interviewed Svetich to learn about her experiences, long term plans, and advice as a San Luis Obispo High School athlete.
Expressions: How long have you been competing in track and field?
Junior Lily Svetich: I’ve been doing track and field at the high school since my freshman year.
Expressions: Why did you decide to join?
Svetich: I had done track at the middle school a bit and wanted to get faster to help with other sports.
Expressions: What track and field events do you compete in?
Svetich: Right now I mostly compete in the 400m, 4×4 relay, and shot put.
Expressions: Which event do you prefer?
Svetich: Each event has its ups and downs for sure. I don’t think I could pick a favorite, it would be like picking a favorite child. The 400m, everytime you run it a little bit of your souls dies but you get a tiny bit stronger. The 4×4 has had some of the greatest comradery ever, and shot put you try to chuck a heavy, metal ball as far as you can which is a joy in itself.
Expressions: Which event is most challenging?
Svetich: In track, the most challenging event I’ve done is the 800m just because it is between a sprint and a distance event, so your body has to know what to do.
Expressions: What track accomplishments are you most proud of?
Svetich: I am honestly just happy to be on a team that works really hard and supports each other. I think the atmosphere the athletes and coaches make is an accomplishment within itself.
Expressions: Do you want to pursue track in college or as a professional career?
Svetich: Nope.
Expressions: What advice would you give to someone hoping to join a varsity sports team?
Svetich: In any sport, if you care about having a good team or being better, you will put in the extra time.