In light of recent marches, rallies, and gatherings, San Luis Obispo high school students are joining the growing battle against gun violence in the United States. On March 14, SLOHS students participated in the nation wide walk out in response to the shootings in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Along with this, a gathering of students spoke and led groups at the March For Our Lives. Expressions interviewed senior and event manager Oliver Hicks to get his opinion on these events.
Expressions: Do you think you’ve struck a chord with students at SLOHS with your walk out?
Senior Oliver Hicks: Yes I do, I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of SLOHS students who participated, I’m not sure about the exact number but administration says something around 300-400 people, which is cool. The important thing is not that we got a lot of students to show up, but that they went back to class after. They didn’t use the walkout as an excuse to go out to their cars and leave.
Expressions: What kind of events do you plan on hosting in the future?
Hicks: The walkout was important, as was the March For Our Lives, both had great attendance that I feel helped make a change. Moving forward, I wont say exactly whether or not we will have more walkouts or marches in the future, but I know that we have no intentions of letting this movement fade. So I think that whether it be more walkouts marches or gatherings, we will do whatever it takes to make a difference in the future.
Expressions: Some schools are cracking down on walkouts, do you fear this might happen at SLOHS?
Hicks: No, We have had a really supportive administration. I think everybody is in favor of safer schools. I won’t speak to their political views but I can confirm that they are sympathetic to our cause which is all I could ask for
Expressions: What can people in San Luis Obispo do to help your cause?
Hicks: Register to vote, get your friends to vote, stay engaged and educate yourself the best you can. Everybody who organized and attended the walk from SLOHS was ecstatic about the support we got from the community at the march. Continue to show that support by participating in our events, and vote for politicians who will continue to make positive impacts on our community. Most importantly, listen to what our students have to say.