Coffee seems to be a staple drink among students at San Luis Obispo High School. It is most well known for its caffeine content. However, the superior, yet more commonly overlooked beverage is tea.
“Tea tastes better, has more flavors, and is better for you than coffee,” said senior Ava Young.
Not only does tea have more health benefits, but is also far less damaging to your teeth and breath. Coffee can be quite dehydrating, while tea replenishes your body’s needed fluids. Some studies have shown that tea can help prevents certain cancers.
“I just don’t like the taste of tea,” said senior Erik Viovode.
If you don’t like the taste of coffee, there isn’t really another kind of taste. It’s just bitter until you add a bunch of sugar and/or cream. But if you don’t like the taste of a tea, you can just try another one. There are hundreds of different kinds and flavors.
Tea drinkers have a significantly lower chance of sickness and heart disease. Also, the rich antioxidants in tea fight inflammation and have been shown to help prevent blood vessels from hardening. Think about that the next time you make your morning beverage.