Since the inception of the mountain bike in the late 1970s, these off road bicycles have been the focal point for adrenaline seeking nature lovers. Mountain biking has gained quite a bit of traction in the last few years at San luis Obispo high School, and the popularity of the sport could be credited to the core group of students that love to ride, as well as phenomenal trails in SLO county. Expressions talked to two mountain bikers at SLOHS about how they got into the sport.
Expressions: What got you into mountain biking?
Senior Cole Bumen: Ever since I learned to ride a bike when I was three, I’ve always liked going fast, jumping, and riding on the dirt, and I’ve always been pretty competitive. So I guess it was just a natural progression that eventually ended up with racing mountain bikes competitively on the California Enduro Series this past year.
Senior Elena Kraemer: Growing up in a family of avid mountain bikers, I was exposed at a young age to the tedious, exhilarating, and rewarding sport. All of our summer road trips consisted of mountain biking and searching for the best trails.
Expressions: What is your favorite part about mountain biking?
Bumen:The community and lifestyle.
Kraemer: I love to climb long distances because it is satisfying to conquer steep pitches and then be rewarded with downhill. Also, a bike can take you to beautiful places faster than by foot.
Expressions: What is your favorite ride in San Luis Obispo county?
Bumen: Either Oats Peak in Montana De Oro (MDO) or Firebreak on The Grade.
Kraemer: Oats Peak in MDO.