When I decided to switch from Geometry to Algebra I earlier in the San Luis Obispo High School trimester, I didn’t expect it to be much harder. I soon came to find out that it was a lot stricter and we had a lot more work. One of the most unfair assignments in Algebra I is that we have weekend homework.
Math is stressful enough as it is, but weekend homework is ridiculous. Student’s weekend time, is their one time to relax and de-stress for the next week of school. Adding homework to that time is a cruel injustice that should be stopped. I don’t know about everyone else, but I use my weekend time to hang out with friends, spend time with family and attend cool events.
Something else I have noticed in math, or at least my classroom, is that we have no time to do our work. In order to finish, and not have extra homework, my group has to rush extremely fast and I feel we don’t really have enough time to learn much. Often times I only get through half of the lesson and have hours of homework. It’s like choosing to fail because you got questions wrong or choosing to fail because you could only do half of the problems.
Although a lot of people don’t like weekend homework and think it’s unfair, some do find the weekend work to be effective. Freshman Water Polo player Aiden O’Leary said, “I really don’t care if I have weekend homework or not, It makes sense, especially when we have a three day weekend. I don’t mind it.”
Some argue that it teaches kids responsibility and that as you grow up you’ll have to work on the weekends if you want to get by. Having weekend homework is good because it gives kids something to do. Another is that kids should have weekend homework to keep things fresh in mind. I disagree.