In a state of excitement during a rally in Alabama last Friday, President Donald Trump declared that National Football League (NFL) owners should fire all players that kneel during the national anthem. The repercussions of his statement came quickly and profusely on Sunday, as many teams not only kneeled, but remained in their locker rooms during the playing of the national anthem.
Though it is relatively clear that the majority of athletes disagree with Trump’s remark, it put NFL owners on the spot, forcing them to choose a side: the President, or their players. Many of them opposed Trump, defending their players’ rights to free speech and peaceful protest, but there remains a divide within the fanbase at San Luis Obispo High School.
“I was pleased to see not only coaches, but owners lock arms with their players. I feel that the NFL and its fans need to push for unity and compassion for one another in times like this,” said senior varsity football captain Daniel Duffy.
Varsity football player and junior Carson Silacci said, “Trump is a great president, but calling out NFL players for protesting, which is a right, is not an acceptable act for the president of our country to do.”
Former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick later reminded everyone that the movement was never in protest of President Trump, it was to raise awareness of racial injustice.