After last year’s growing pains, the San Luis Obispo High School Marching Tigers have come back to school this year better than ever. Having grown enough to split into to two different periods for the first time in the 2016-2017 school year, the Band went through a metamorphosis from nothing more than a group of musically minded students no bigger than a large club, into a significant entity in the student body with ample representation from all grades and walks of life on campus. Now, having successfully made the transition, the Band is working hard to maximize its output.
Expressions asked junior Assistant Drum Major Christian Cueto about the changes in Band.
Expressions: What has it been like to become so much larger so quickly, and how have things changed in the Band as a result?
Cueto: It’s been super inspiring, but it’s been hard to get the newer members to the level of the upper classmen, but I know it will pay off.
Expressions: What things should the students of SLOHS know about the Band that you feel like they don’t already?
Cueto: That we’re super hype! People should come hang with us all the time.
Expressions: How can the students of SLOHS support the Band, and why should they?
Cueto: Get hype with us! We’re fun, we’re innocent.
After a hugely successful student-run fundraiser, the Band is now looking ahead to their next performances. They’ll be at the Rally tomorrow, as well as supporting the football team at their away game against Morro Bay High School.