This past weekend some of the San Luis Obispo High School track stars competed in the CIF state meet, and blew the competition out of the water. Expressions interviewed Senior Callum Bolger on his outstanding races at the state meet.
Expressions: What events did you compete in at state?
Senior Callum Bolger: I ran in the 3200m, which is a tiny bit less than two miles.
Expressions: How did this meet compare to other meets this year and state? How did you do in your events?
Bolger: There was definitely a lot more hype around this race because it came at the end of the year after weeks and weeks of qualification. However, I have raced a lot of the same people throughout the season so at least it was a little familiar.
Expressions: What was going through your mind during your last lap of your 3200 meter race?
Bolger: I was just trying to stay as relaxed as possible while still trying to go very fast. I knew I couldn’t start sprinting right away and I had to conserve my energy for the last 200 meters. Then once I got into the lead, I was just trying to not get caught.
Expressions: What are your goals for your running future?
Bolger: I’m not a super goal-oriented person so my main drive is just to train my best day in and day out so that, as time goes on, I will just keep getting faster and faster. Then I will just see where that strategy will take me.