The Summer solstice is an event that occurs annually that everyone inevitably participates in, simply by being alive.Though some may not celebrate the longest day of the year, many San Luis Obispo high School students have exciting plans for the occasion. Expressions interviewed some proactive SLOHS students that have exciting plans for the solstice.
Expressions: Do you usually celebrate the Summer Solstice?
Former SLOHS student Jibreel Abdul Cader: I try to enjoy every day to the fullest so when the summer solstice comes around I live it to the fullest.
Senior Elena Kreamer: Yes. I enjoy being outside and active so it’s a very special day to me.
Sophomore Matt Scurria: Yes, I love the sunshine that we have here and SLO.
Expressions: What is your best solstice story?
Abdul Cader: Last summer I went surfing, and then had a barbeque with the bros.
Kreamer: I went on a bike ride along the coast, and then spent the rest of the day at the beach.
Scurria: I went on a long run.
Expressions: What are your plans for this Solstice?
Abdul Cader: I plan on spending it at the beach again with the boys.
Kreamer: I’m going to head up to Big Sur and camp out with some friends.
Scurria: I’m not sure yet but it’ll be big.