More young people are drinking coffee than ever before, and this trend is evident at San Luis Obispo High School. On any given day, countless students can be seen walking into class with a Starbucks in hand, or coming back from lunch with their afternoon coffee fix. This is for good reason, many studies show and almost anyone you ask can attest to the fact that coffee boosts energy and concentration levels. School is a place for learning, and many students find coffee can help with the learning process.
While we already drink a lot of coffee, adding the ability to purchase coffee at school means an energy pick-me-up and concentration booster is readily available at all times.
Junior Atalie Manning said, “being able to purchase coffee at school would help me be able to focus in class better because I could get more coffee whenever I start to get tired”.
Several of my classmates and I have joked about falling asleep in class and waking up as our head starts to fall, and it’s impossible to learn when you are going in and out of sleep like that. Coffee could solve that problem.
“If school has to start so early, than school should give us coffee,” said junior Kylie Haidet.
I don’t predict schools will make every day late start monday any time soon, so schools should sell us coffee. It’ll help the school make more money and give students more energy to perform better. It’s a win-win scenario.