Senior Karly Bonzi has been involved in the San Luis Obispo High School Ceramics since her freshman year and has developed a love for the art ever since. With practice and guidance from Ceramics teacher Amanda Eedle, Bonzi has created a countless number of pieces and hopes to continue doing so. Expressions interviewed Bonzi on her interest in this unique form of art.
Expressions: How did you first discover your interest in ceramics? When?
Senior Karly Bonzi: I started taking ceramic classes in the fourth grade and have been involved in them on and off ever since.
Expressions: What is your favorite part about the class or just ceramics in general?
Bonzi: Art has always been a creative outlet for me. Ceramics is very relaxing and therapeutic. It helps me get rid of my stress from school.
Expressions: Do you plan on incorporating the art into your future?
Bonzi: I’m enrolling at an art school in Spain next summer to continue my ceramic career. I would love to teach ceramics on the side in the future.
Expressions: What classes have you taken at SLOHS that have improved your skills in ceramics?
Bonzi: I have taken ceramics I, II, and III.
Expressions: Do you participate in any extracurricular classes?
Bonzi: I am currently taking a hand building ceramics class at Cuesta College.
Expressions: Who has inspired some of your work?
Bonzi: My grandparents inspired me to continue with ceramics because I was really bad at first, so I usually create projects specially for them.
Expressions: Who is your favorite ceramics artist and why?
Bonzi: My favorite artist is Peter Voulkos. He made a lot of abstract pieces which is one of my favorite styles.
Expressions: What is your favorite piece you’ve made? Why? What’s its meaning?
Bonzi: My favorite piece I have made is an abstract hand sculpture of a mother and a child. It represents a mother’s emotional connection to her children.
Expressions: Have you entered any of your pieces in art shows?
Bonzi: I entered two ceramic pieces in the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art Teen Art Show last spring.
Expressions: Why should students take ceramics?
Bonzi: It is an easy way to help with stress. Also students get to make functional pieces that they can use or give as gifts.