Along with a new arrangement of classes, San Luis Obispo High School students are treated to a fresh batch of athletics as the new trimester begins. Among these various sports is girls Water Polo. This specific activity is notorious for its vicious players and violent tactics. However, another facet of Water Polo is generally forgotten: the urge to pee in the pool.
“I pee once before the game, and depending on how much I drink, then I’ll pee a little bit at half time or a time out,” said senior Caroline Petithomme.
Although there appears to be no formal rule on the matter, it’s simply unreasonable to ask watersports participants to hold in their pee while in the pool. The sheer level of discomfort anyone experiences while resisting the urge to use the restroom can only be amplified by being surrounded by thousands of gallons of lukewarm water.
“To be completely honest, it sometimes makes [me] feel more relaxed,” said sophomore Clea Wendt.
Not only is it unethical to ask these athletes to not relieve themselves, but it is also hypocritical. Pools are essentially breeding grounds for bacteria from sweat, estranged skin cells, and any other substance from the nooks and crannies of the human body which is seldom completely clean.
These incredible athletes succeed in competing in a ridiculously difficult sport. Let’s let them do what they need to do in order to continue doing so.