Every year San Luis Obispo High School dedicates a lot of hard work towards the yearbook. Last year, the editing staff included upcoming seniors Jenny Zakaria and Maya Caminada as the sports page editors, graduates Hope Morgan and Jill Danninger as clubs and classes and student life editors, graduate Trevor Giannini as the photo editor and graduate Aly Grierson as the photo and infographics editor, with graduate Ashley Kassak as the Editor in Chief. As the new year begins, we have new editors which include seniors Jenny Zakaria, Maya Caminada and Nicole Kasper.
Expressions: How do you feel about being next year’s yearbook editors?
Senior Jenny Zakaria: I’m really excited to be an editor next year and to make the 2016-2017 book with two of my close friends.
Senior Maya Caminada: It’s really rewarding to see something that you create come to life. I’m really excited to see what we do next year!
Junior Nicole Kasper: I’m excited to be able to make a book that captures the lasting memories of the students at SLOHS.
Expressions: Do you think that it’s going to be a lot of pressure?
Zakaria: I think that for that reason [being co-editor with Kasper and Caminada] it will be more laid back.
Caminada: I think that I will always put pressure on myself and our staff just because I want to make a great book for our school, but I’m really happy that two of my closest friends will be able to lessen the stress of it all.
Kasper: I don’t think it will be too much pressure. We are all (me, Maya, and Jenny) pretty on top of it. Plus Jenny and Maya have already been editors so they know how everything works.
Expressions: What are each of your jobs/titles?
Zakaria: I am going to be the editor of clubs and classes.
Caminada: I’m the Editor in chief.
Kasper: Sports Editor.
Expressions: What are you planning on doing to the book that will make it different from last years?
Caminada: A couple things will be changing in terms of layout and design. Basically, we just want to make a book that captures SLOHS in the best light.
Kasper: We don’t know the exact changes we will make yet, but in general the fonts and style will change.