Expressions sought out with FCCLA Advisor and San Luis Obispo High School Child Development instructor Lisa Washmuth to discuss the upcoming events of FCCLA Nationals, in which members of the FCCLA will travel to San Diego on July 3-7.
Expressions: What is FCCLA?
Lisa Washmuth: FCCLA Stands for Family Careers and Community Leaders of America. It’s a student leadership organization like FFA. For agriculture (AG), but we’re Home-Ec based.
Expressions: Is this your first time going to nationals?
Washmuth: Yes, this is our first time going to nationals, the kids keep asking me questions and I don’t have any of the answers so [laughs] it’s pretty exciting!
Expressions: So what is FCCLA backed by?
Washmuth: Scholarships, yes we’re backed by scholarships, so it’s a huge ordeal.
Expressions: Is there anywhere we can find out more information?
Washmuth: Yes, you can look at our website, It’s www.fcclainc.com.