At CIF Finals this past weekend, San Luis Obispo High School freshman Anneke Moersdorf competed in the long jump and high jump. She made jump coaches Billy Smith and Armand Boute, as well as the entire SLOHS track and field program proud jumping 18”1¾’ feet in long and 5”3’ in high, she placed fourth and second, respectively. Her second place in high jump will take her on to CIF Masters. She’s the first freshman to go to CIF Masters since 2005.
“I’ve had a great time this season. All my older teammates are really supportive,” said Moersdorf. She only began high jumping last year, in eighth grade, after trying it in Phsical Education and showing some talent. When she was younger, Moersdorf did gymnastics and her coaches think that this has helped her become a better jumper. She hasn’t done any sports, but is considering trying out for volleyball over the summer.
There are only two more rounds of CIF, and coaches and fans alike have high expectations for Moersdorf. No matter what happens in the final weeks of this season, it will be very exciting to see what Moersdorf can do in the years to come.