At San Luis Obispo High School, approximately eight hundred fourth, fifth and sixth grade students invaded us when the local elementary schools came to visit for the Tiger Olympics. Expressions interviewed three fifth grade students from Bishop’s Peak Elementary School as they came through our classroom.
Expressions: Why are you excited to go to SLOHS?
Bishop’s Peak Fifth grader Anthony Meinhold: Because my brother went here and so did my sister, my cousins go here and my dad went here.
Bishop’s Peak Fifth grader Sasha Carlson: My friends will go here and there are super awesome classes.
Expressions: What’s your favorite dinosaur?
Meinhold: Triceratops.
Expressions: What are you thinking about right now?
Bishop’s Peak Sixth grader Holly Roberts: How cool this place is.
Expressions: What’s the scariest thing about a SLOHS Student?
Meinhold: Nothing.
Expressions: Have you considered going Vegan?
Roberts: No.
Expressions: Why are you guys here today?
Carlson: To learn about San Luis Obispo High School.
Expressions: Did your parents go to SLOHS?
Roberts: I don’t know.