As the time for San Luis Obispo High School “promposals” nears, we start to see the cute, clever ways guys are asking girls to prom; but little do we see girls asking guys to prom. How come our society has adapted the view that it’s weird for girls to ask the guy they like to a dance? Is it because girls have been waiting for the moment when a guy shows up at their door with roses like we’ve seen in movies, or because girls are too scared to put themselves out there in the fear of getting rejected?
“I think it’s fine, you should do what you want to do and everybody should be able to ask who they want,” said junior Natalie Sada.
“I think it’s wonderful! It’s the twenty first century, why should guys still have to be the ones to do it first? I think people shy away from non-traditional customs, but that shouldn’t be the case!” said junior Cami Love.
School dances are supposed to be a fun occasion, from picking out your dress to being asked, or asking the person you want to go with. In the end it doesn’t matter who asks who, as long as you’re happy. Break away from the social standards and ask that guy you’ve been hoping would ask you, wait for the moment you’ve watched in movies, or tag along with some friends on May 21 to the SLOHS prom.