[dropcap]E[/dropcap]very morning, the San Luis Obispo High School bike racks are lined with bicycles. For many students, biking is their main mode of transportation; often biking to and from school, home or other destinations like downtown. Since October 2007, San Luis Obispo has been awarded the League of American Bicyclists’ “Silver” ranking for bicycle-friendly communities. However, the city remains the seventh most dangerous California city for cyclists. So, where should you be wary? A recent collisions map, printed by The Tribune, reveals most SLO bicycle accidents occur at the intersections of Olive at Santa Rosa, California at Monterey, Santa Rosa at Walnut, Chorro at Monterey, and Chorro at Higuera. All these intersections are well-traveled by SLOHS students. “You have to be careful on Higuera, because there is really no room for a bike on that street. I try to avoid really busy streets like Broad, Foothill, and Higuera,” said Latin teacher Tom Weinschenk, an avid biker. Weinschenk also cautions students to be vigilant when riding near parked cars. “One of the most dangerous places for cyclists are parking lots, because for some reason, when you are in a parking lot, people just don’t notice that you’re there,” said Weinschenk. Other dangerous areas include the intersections of Monterey at California and Olive at Santa Rosa, which are close to freeway on-ramps and off-ramps, resulting in increased speeds and distracted cross-traffic. SLOHS junior AnnaSara Bridgeford has personally encountered many of these cycling hazards yet has managed to stay safe. “There is definitely a lot more distracted driving downtown,” said Bridgeford Be sure to keep a cautious eye when peddling SLO.