San Luis Obispo city buses have been effectively shut down this morning due to the city receiving a “credible” bomb threat from a SLO city transit bus passenger. The passenger, while riding a bus from city hall towards the Cal Poly campus, began handing out leaflets stating an eminent “pre-emptive war” on “Satanists and devils and possessed.” The SLO Police Department has described the suspect as a white male adult with brown hair, glasses, a short beard, and wearing a black hoodie. The suspect was last seen walking northbound on campus, near the Cal Poly Performing Arts Center.
“When I found out about it, I thought ‘whoa’, what if there’s a bomb on the bus.’ I had no idea what was going on,” said sophomore Montse Zuniga, who was removed from a SLO city bus on her way to school.
Currently, all city buses are out of service and are being investigated until further notice. Anyone with information regarding the suspect is urged to contact SLOPD at 805-781-7312.
For recurring updates on the situation, check sanluisobispo.com and the SLOStringer Facebook page.
Image courtesy of SLOStringer.