When opening the door of any San Luis Obispo High School bathroom, the first thing that immediately hits you is the atrocious smell of sweat, urine, and some sort of cheap fragrance trying to hide all of the scents. With no windows or ventilation, the smells just float around the air and get worse as the day goes by. There is also an odd liquid always on the tiles near the toilets. Girls at SLOHS don’t respect or care enough to put their feminine products in the provided wastebaskets, they just throw them on the floor where they stay throughout the day until a janitor comes later after school to clean up the mess the students selfishly leave.
“I hate going to the bathroom at school. The bathrooms here are worse than porta-potties. I feel like my hands get dirtier when I wash them. The only good thing about the bathrooms at SLOHS is the inspirational graffiti quotes and drawings on the girl’s bathroom stalls,” said junior Maddie Brogno.
In most of the bathrooms there is powdered ‘soap’ to wash your hands. Do you expect me to use this cheap soap? Am I supposed to believe this powder is going to get all of the germs off of my hands? It feels as if I am washing my hands with unscented bone-dry detergent.
Most times you walk into the bathroom the trash can will be overflowing with used wet paper towels, when students see this they will then proceed to throw their used paper towel near the trash can on the ground because they know that the trash can is full instead of simply walking ten feet to find a trash can outside. This is far from any cleanliness and I think that students should not be exposed to these horrid conditions every time they walk into a SLOHS bathroom.