Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays. Filled with delicious comfort foods and loving family, it is a time of pure relaxation. It is also the only holiday where it is socially acceptable to eat and eat and eat until it is not physically possible to eat anymore. What could be better than that? As great as Thanksgiving is, and as hard as it is to come back to school after a major food coma, there are things to look forward to.
New Classes
A new schedule is exciting. New classes gives you the opportunity to experience new teaching styles, as well as getting to know new people. If you hated a teacher last trimester, this is your chance to start fresh with brand new teachers. Unfortunately sometimes you will get the same teacher, but at least you will be in a new class with new people which can create a different dynamic and change your perspective. It is also a chance to get out of your comfort zone and approach people who you don’t necessarily know but want to get to know. Don’t be shy! Often times you will even find that some of your best friendships develop from unexpected interactions.
Winter Sports
Winter sports will be in full swing with girls water polo, wrestling, and girls and boys soccer and basketball. For those of you participating in a winter sport, get excited about not having a fifth period! It really makes the day go by so much faster. If you are not involved in a winter sport, get excited to come out, fill the stands, and support your fellow tigers to help them bring home the win. There should be some pretty good competition this year so the games will be far from boring. Loud fans are appreciated! The cheering really helps raise the energy, so bring your friends and family and get ready to cheer on the tigers.
Winter Formal
Winter formal will be just around the corner once you come back to school. Now for those of you who are new to the school, winter formal is the first “date” dance. Yes, you can still go alone, but traditionally winter formal is a boys-ask-girls dance. Boys, if you have a special someone in mind, this is the perfect opportunity to get up the courage and ask her to the dance. The venue is not yet known, but that’s even more of an incentive to come back to school and find out!
One Step Closer to Finishing Out the Year
If nothing can get you excited about coming back to school, just think about how much closer you will be to finishing out the year. Thanksgiving break is only a week long, but coming back to school means you will be that much closer to the two month long summer break. Summer may seem far away, but the school year will go by faster than you can imagine. Before you know it, it will be winter break, then spring break, then summer! As much fun as summer is, try to enjoy the school year and focus on getting good grades so you can have a great summer free of summer school.