The Student News Site of San Luis Obispo High School




The Student News Site of San Luis Obispo High School



Pride Events are Coming Up in the SLO Community!


Various drag performers were seen at San Luis Obispo Pride in 2023. Photo courtesy of sophomore Charly Elston.


  June is Pride Month for LGBTQ+ folk all over the world, and at San Luis Obispo High School, students are excited for upcoming Pride events.

  “I’m excited for all the different events. Hopefully I get to go to as many as possible. They’re always super fun,” said junior August Jonson.

  Pride Prom is on June 8 at Laguna Middle School from seven to five pm for all high schoolers, and will have an extensive variety of food and activities, ranging from, but not limited to, arts and crafts activities, a photo booth, and surprises. 

  Additionally, on June 1 at the History Center of SLO will be an art exhibit to showcase art related to anything LGBTQ+ related, open to all ages, even including prizes.

  On June 1, there will be Pride in the Plaza at the Mission Plaza from eleven am to five pm. 

  On June 2, there will be Pride in the Park at Meadow Park from one pm to six pm.

  “Everyone’s able to be themselves and be comfortable, and it shows because everyone’s super excited and having fun,” said junior Kimberley Budinger.

  Pride is an exciting event for all LGBTQ+ people, where they’re able to be themselves and feel safe with other queer individuals.

  For more information, students can visit


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Charly Elston, Feature Editor
Feature editor in T3

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