The Student News Site of San Luis Obispo High School




The Student News Site of San Luis Obispo High School



We Interviewed Track Star Gwen Katics


The place where it all began. Photo courtesy of freshman Oliver Nemetz.

  San Luis Obispo High School has had many great student-athletes in the past. This year is no different. 

  One senior here at SLOHS has been exceeding in track and field, so Expressions had to interview them to find out how they do it.

Expressions: What race do you run in track?

Senior Gwen Katics: I run the 400m.

Expressions: What are you expecting in your next race?

Katics: I am hoping to PR. 

Expressions: What do you do to get yourself ready before each race?

Katics: I have to focus, not get distracted. I think about what my goals are for the day.

Expressions: How does it feel that you’ve made it this far in track?

Katics: I’m really happy I made it this far. Last year we were really close to state and missed it by a tenth of a second.

Expressions: What helped you get this far?

Katics: My coaches and the people I was training with. They all pushed me to do my best.

Expressions: Are you looking to run track in college?
Katics: I want to run in college, yeah.

  Getting to state in Track and Field is no easy feat. Katics should be very proud of herself.

  But as Kobe Bryant once said, ‘The job’s not finished’. Good luck out there Gwen, go make the Tigers proud!

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