He’s a pretty cool guy! Photo courtesy of senior Asia Jade Hagans.
During this school year, San Luis Obispo High School has seen a lot of improvement in Newspaper Production and students have sophomore Aidan Field to thank for that.
Expressions took some time to interview this amazing guy and get the inside scoop on his classroom routine.
Expressions: What is your job in newspaper?
Sophomore Aidan Field: I’m the web editor and I work with pages sometimes.
Expressions: What’s it feel like having such a big responsibility?
Field: Sometimes it’s weird because I have to be careful about some things that I do, but in all, it’s pretty fun being able to do a lot of things and having the freedom in this class.
Expressions: What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen in class?
Field: It’s either how one pack of gum could destroy a monitor or how the classroom is perfect for racing with chairs.
Expressions: What’s your race win streak?
Field: I’ve won zero times to one.
Expressions: Will you be taking this class again next year?
Field: I think I will be in newspaper next year but it’s definitely going to be for less time because I’ll be a junior and I’m going to have to take a lot of APs. It’s gonna be crazy.
Expressions: Would you recommend this class to those in your grade?
Field: I’d say yes, I do recommend it because it can teach you a lot about how certain things are done. It’s really an outlet if you’re passionate about some things, because in a lot of classes, you don’t have much freedom to do things that are interesting to you.
Keep working hard Aidan!