San Luis Obispo High School students may be wondering what CTE pathway to take, they should take the interior design pathway and work on projects in the famous classroom of Avery! Photo courtesy of sophomore Charly Elston.
The San Luis Obispo High School interior design pathway has been growing in popularity the last couple years. Students are wondering whether or not to take the pathway or if it is just a waste of time.
Expressions decided to start reaching out to staff and students to find out more about the interior design pathway.
Expressions: Do you feel that the interior design pathway meets all the requirements for a true CTE pathway?
Counselor Chris Inman: I would like to see the pathway be a part of an architecture pathway so students can expand their understanding of the subject.
Interior design teacher Leone Avery: It builds off state standards so I would say absolutely.
Junior Ava Flores: Yes I do. It’s really fun and you get to be really creative with what you want to do.
Expressions: What would you like to see happen to have this or any pathway expand?
Inman: I would like to see a business or nursing pathway start at this school. As an interior design pathway I would like to have the interior design teacher to lead an architecture and design class.
Avery: I’d like it to be more diverse in gender.
Flores: It would be cool to have different ways of making and building. We kind of just do one thing.
Expressions: Could you envision this happening within the next couple years if so how would it work and what would it change?
Avery: Yes, I’ve brought in a lot more technology, but I think there’s just a larger societal misconception that interior design and architecture is for women or gay men and it’s just really not true.
Flores: Yeah for sure. I’d like to learn more new things on the computers but it’s totally possible
Expressions: Why do you think people should get involved in this pathway?
Avery: It has real serious life skills but also this field can have a lot of satisfaction and creativity. It can help you for the rest of your life when you do any construction on your own home, or just want to live in a beautiful space as you grow up. So it just creates really lifelong skills.
Flores: People should get involved in the pathway because it’s so much fun and you get to learn how to design things on computers and over all it’s just a really fun pathway.
The SLOHS interior design pathway does have some things hoping to be changed within these next few years but overall it is a highly recommended pathway and it will give you life skills that will help you in the future. Consider taking it next year, Tigers!